What to see in A Coruña: 6 places that look like poetry

Alejandra Marble
Alejandra Marble

Close your eyes and think of an image that represents the province of A Coruña.

If images of cliffs, trails, forests, waterfalls or idyllic rivers full of mystery come to your mind, you have guessed it, because that is what you will find. If you look for it.

After our Galician journey, if they ask me to close my eyes and think of a cliff, those of Vixía de Herbeira come to my mind.

If someone asks me to think of a forest, without a doubt, I would think of El Refugio de los Verdes or Las Fragas del Eume.

Ask me to think of an impressive waterfall that falls directly on the sea and I will not hesitate to think about La Cascada de Ézaro.

I listen to “Path in the water” and think of Arteixo.

Finally, I am thinking that it would be a good choice to travel the route that separates Loiba and San Andrés de Teixido.

As you can see, today I closed my eyes and dreamed of A Coruña.


Striking for their height and the views that can be enjoyed from them. They are very close to Cedeira on the route that leads to San Andrés de Teixido, which will be discussed later.

The best place to enjoy them is at the Garita de Herbeira. La Garita is a small coastal surveillance post dating back to the 18th century that is located at the highest point, from the sea (more than 600 m).


Located in the municipality of Coristanco is a beautiful natural space full of that mysterious environment that surrounds these places.

The refuge is a recreational area that has been perfectly integrated into a group of islets on the Anllóns River. There are wooden bridges, waterfalls, barbecues and above all “muiños” (mills in Galego).

From here, you can start some routes that go into the forest to look for the «Meigas» that inhabit it, because there are some, I'm telling you.

If you are one of those who enjoy moving through the water, the mouth of the Anllóns River is very popular among kayakers. In fact, many places in La Coruña are favorable to enjoy this sport; as in this kayak activity on the Ulla river, in Vedra.


One of the best examples of the Atlantic forest that we can find in all of Europe. This Natural Park crosses the banks of the Eume River, crossing several towns, such as Cabanas, Pontedeume, As Pontes…

The best way to get to know Fragas is on foot, since in this way you can let yourself be impressed by a thousand shades of green, orange and brown melted in a dreamy forest that will plunge you into a halo of mystery.

Dedicate a few minutes to the information office of the park where you will be advised to think about the itinerary that best suits your interests.

I opted to start from Portal de Caaveiro to do the 7.5 linear kilometers of the route of Os Encomendeiros that ends at the famous Monastery of Caaveiro.


The Jallas River literally falls on the sea in this waterfall between a hydroelectric power station and the marina of the town of Dumbría.

The Cascada de Ézaro is one of those places where the man has only made things worse, however, the rainbows caused by the pulverized droplets that bounce to tens of meters of height and the rumor that flows in the environment will manage to amaze you until you return back to the car, and in the end it is best to stay with that beautiful picture and nothing else.

This waterfall is well known by the experienced canyoning lovers who descend the complicated Ézaro river. If you want to start in this sport with a simpler descent, you can start with Serra de Outes, another natural area of ​​​​spectacular beauty in La Coruña.


From Sabón to Barrañán crossing 6 kilometers of path, running among cliffs. The chance of going down to have a dip in one of the beaches that there are on the route, to enjoy the great landscapes that the northern coast in Coruña offers you, or to see cetaceans and many birds – all of this should be taken advantage of to spend a sunny day with the kids.

On this route you can find 7 of the 9 beaches that make Las Playas Arteixas: O Reiro, Barrañán, As Combouzas, Valcovo, A Hucha, Repibelo and Sabón.


You can not leave Galician lands without having the Lighthouse of Cabo Ortegal in your memory, without sitting on “The best bench in the world” (in Loiba), without feeling the vertigo of leaning in Herbeira to one of the highest cliffs in Europe and without asking for the desire to return to La Fuente del Santo in San Andrés de Teixido.

That small corner of Spain that is A Coruña is full of places that radiate magic and poetry in equal parts. The six places I have presented to you are just an example. If you want to discover everything that this land hides, you must get there and go through it without boredom, enjoying its forests, rivers and coasts, from which it is impossible to leave without a smile.

In A Coruña, nature expresses itself in verse. But there is no need to know Galego to understand it. Just as you don't have to be a budding poet to get excited about a sonnet.


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