How to fake that you are on vacation in the Caribbean

Who else is sick and tired of never having enjoyed a well-deserved vacation in the Caribbean? I see a lot of virtual hands up there, right? On top of that, neither advertising nor social networks help. It's getting on Instagram and realizing that your friends decided to buy the lottery without you. (and it had to happen to them, because they travel more than Willy Fog).
Dying of envy is over. I'm going to give you the solution to so much bad blood: practice #facay. EITHER fakecation either fakecationing. This translates into simulate in crazy ways that you are on vacation through social networks.
You don't know how? Here we are going to leave you some ideas after a lot of research and racking our brains, to give the greatest possible realism to the trick. Although you can always contribute your grain of sand (as long as it is false, of course).
Classic selfie
This is the most classic selfie of the classics and the more low cost. You open your laptop, put “Caribbean palm trees” in your search engine, choose the image that has the perfect perspective and put your index and middle fingers bent simulating that they are your legs bent while you are lying down. The other option is use two sausages.
How many selfies have you seen like this of your friends on the beach? Well, there goes yours and without the need to burn your skin.
Fakonsejo ➡️ It never hurts to accompany the image with an inspiring phrase from Pablo Coelho or a “here, suffering”. It will give more credibility.
The fruit seller
This requires the effort of go to the supermarket and go outdoors. To get your fruit photo you need a previously broken coconut (or not, if like me you are dangerous with a knife) and look for some palm trees in your city. If your neighborhood does not have tropical vegetation, don't worry. You can use your laptop or simply take a photo and see the blue sky with the coconut in your hand.
Fakonsejo ➡️ You can change the coconut for another tropical fruit. He Canarian banana It is always an option and is a thousand times easier to open.
The professional diver
This is probably the most fun. You only need a blue inflatable pool for children (let's see, if you can get a bigger one, the better; but with a small one we manage that at this point we can't get fancy), some Chinese diving goggles and your camera either mobile waterproof. With the latter I want to emphasize that it's all laughter until we remember that our phone is not waterproof.
Fakonsejo ➡️ You can give more realism to the selfie if you fill the pool with salt water and put some fish in it. You can stop by the fishmonger or be a little less wild and welcome some live ones into your home. Mom, new pet!
Also, think about all the uses you can give your pool later.
selfie artistic
Do you have a white wall in your house that screams “paint me”? Do not talk more. Bring out your most artistic side painting a Caribbean landscape. Some palm trees, the turquoise sea, the golden sand and you in front holding the coconut that cost you so much to open (you have to pay it off, you see).
Fakonsejo ➡️ If when they distributed the gifts the artist didn't even touch you, maybe this selfie It's taking too much risk. You can always stick a poster the size of your wall and avoid having to buy white paint later.
Hawaii at home
If every year you wait for carnivals to dress up, this is your selfie. You can make the typical Hawaiian outfit or wear the chinos (bless them). For €3 you buy your necklace of evergreen flowers and with skill you can make your own skirt. Your gender doesn't matter, the photo will look just as pretty on you.
Once finished, grab a towel, your coconut (an essential as you can see) and take a photo session on the ground, in the inflatable pool or on the new mural/poster in your house. Everything goes here.
(If you have the skills we leave you this video tutorial)
Fakonsejo ➡️ Do you have a friend who also works this summer or can't go on a trip? Tell him to sign up! Faking holidays with company is always more fun. Also, your friend may be skilled at making Hawaiian costumes.
If you dare to try an idea, send us your selfie or tag us on instagram (@nattulecom). No one may believe that you've gone to the Caribbean, but hey! We don't believe that they are on vacation either. It's all part of an illusion, we just haven't yet figured out how they made it so perfect.
We will continue investigating.
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