Making the world a better place: 30 blogs that make a difference in sustainable tourism in 2017

Making the world a better place: 30 blogs that make a difference in sustainable tourism
This year 2017 is the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and it seems that the term «sustainable tourism» is on everyone’s lips; But how many really know what it means? Therefore, to get an idea of its meaning, Nattule has compiled for you 30 blogs that make a difference in sustainable tourism.
«We all deserve a break, and the Earth too.»
Now, during the holidays, it is when most of us can take a break and enjoy their favorite pastimes: traveling, doing activities and detoxifying from the pollution of the city. But, what if I told you that it is possible to enjoy all that without compromising the environment so much, making your experience even better?
Surely you’re asking yourself «Where do I have to sign?». It is not necessary to sacrifice comfort or quality to enjoy sustainable tourism. How can we begin to change those habits that, without realizing it, damage the environment and harm us eventually?
In this article you will find 30 blogs that deal with, in addition to sustainable tourism, other interesting ways to apply the term sustainability to your life.
Susana Conde is the director of Agrotravel Turismo Responsable, an agency that will help you travel responsibly and in the long run, in a more sustainable way. They share the belief with us that the right way to travel to discover both a country and its people is through sustainable tourism.
They also have a great blog that serves as a guide to catch up on the most important news on responsible travelling, courses, tips, advice and opinions. In addition, you can also share your ideas and the experiences of your trips in your «Traveler’s Corner» section.
This blog has a plus, you can share it with family or friends who do not speak Spanish; since it can be translated into several languages such as German, French, English, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian and Basque.
Abuela Tikuna – Responsible Tourism en Colombia
Viajero Responsable (“Responsible Traveler”) is a collaborative blog that shares ideas, news and information for travelers and companies, betting to help bring changes in them and thus achieve a more conscious and sustainable tourism in the long term.
Susana Inés Sandoval is the woman behind this incredible blog in which you will find articles of great quality so that you can find out quickly the most relevant news. Be inspired with a Responsible Traveler and discover that you can travel in a creative, fun and comfortable way.
Susana enjoying the outdoors
The Mindfultravel blog is written by Sara, a girl who wants her writings and experiences to inspire people to travel responsibly. His ideas try to benefit the local economy, always from a perspective where the traveler respects the environment and the culture of the country they visit. It has from tips to travel with your dog to tips to make the trip of your dreams, alone or in company.
Sara, author of Mindfultravel, admiring the views
If you’re looking to travel more, Tuanys is your blog. They write for and for travelers, offering diverse unique alternatives to live your great adventure.
In his blog you can find articles of various kinds, from topics such as Why you must travel to Bhutan at least once in life or the most spectacular volunteers of Tuanys. And it’s because Tuanys also gives you the opportunity to volunteer where they need it the most.
Gabriela and Camilo, Argentine and Mexican by birth, are the creators of the Plan B Viajero (“Plan B Traveler”) blog. This blog of sustainable travel gives tips on habits to carry out a more sustainable life, how to save while traveling, places you can not miss and much more.
They travel throughout Latin America with their backpacks on and their bamboo bikes, created by themselves. All an inspiration to see that you do not need many things to travel the world.
Gabriela and her bamboo bike
Verde Por Dentro (“Green inside”) emerged as a blog to tell the experiences of Pablo and Bea, who decided to start living with just the essentials. His way of traveling is low-cost but with a more ecological approach. Now with its van VW T2 or GWA-GWA (named after its registration) they have decided to travel around the world visiting beautiful places while collaborating during their journey with people who work for the conservation of natural spaces and for a sustainable way of life.
Green articles informs you of the experiences they have during their journey, advice, recipes and reflections on the situation of the environment that they see with their own eyes.
Pablo, Bea and the GWA-GWA ready for the adventure
Marisol Herrera founded Totonal, a tour operator with the goal of showing the lesser-known natural and cultural wealth of Mexico. They offer to the public different tourism, away from the traditional option, one more sustainable in which in addition to knowing the place, you can enjoy activities that respect the environment. The articles in his blog perfectly deal with the subject of sustainable tourism, both in general and the one that takes place in Mexico City.
If you travel in a sustainable way, knowing the nature of the destination through activities that ensure that the natural environment is respected while having fun is a plus. And, of course, there are blogs that are responsible of this matter.
The beauty of a place is made up from the different landscapes that you can find in it; but many times it is not only what you see, but what you do not see, what can be special. That is why Itinerantur is focused on explaining the surroundings of Castellón so that you can take a look to the landscape in a different way.
In this blog you can find information about curiosities of nature you didn’t know about; as why our Mediterranean forests are edible or the plunder that is being suffered in the mycological world due to ignorance.
The purpose of Belén Salvador, Chema Rabasa and his faithful companion Lluc the dog, is that all travelers connect with the place they visit, since they firmly believe that through exercising responsible tourism, respecting the local culture and environment, a more fair and sustainable world can be accomplished.
An adventure of the Itinerantur team
Daniel, as well as an environmental guide and born explorer of natural and monumental heritage, is the author of the blog Medioambiente y Senderismo (“Environment and Hiking”). His passion for nature and culture led him to write with the purpose of making the most beautiful corners of the Earth known to the public; and to make the masses aware of the importance of conserving, respecting and protecting all the wonders that the world has given us.
Daniel in the forest, his natural environment
In Castilla-La Mancha we have the fantastic blog of Caminos del Guadiana (“Ways of Guadiana”). This family business specializes in ecotourism and environmental education, more specifically in the surroundings of the Guadiana River.
Alejandro del Moral, Nuria Mohedano and Álvaro Sánchez are responsible for transmitting on their blog the importance of environmental conservation through their own experiences traveling in National Parks of Spain. In addition, they propose hiking routes to know the nature of Castilla-La Mancha.
Alejandro sharing his environmental knowledge
U2Guide is mainly a website that helps travelers contact local guides to see the destination as it really is, its day to day and its people. In the blog you can find a wide variety of news, tips and very interesting reflections that will make you see sustainable tourism with different eyes.
Éric, Anouk and Paul are the founders of this incredible project that connects thousands of people to make this world a better, more humanitarian and more respectful with the environment.
Photograph of U2Guide’s article – «How to face your fear of traveling alone for the first time»
Carol, responsible for giving life to PetiRed Natura, offers us diverse information focused on the possibility of specialized courses, ecotourism and news about events that take place in the natural environment of Salamanca. In short, PetiRed Natura has the purpose of giving environmental training, courses and routes by nature.
Carol «tracing» the road
In addition to the possibility of doing activities in nature, you may be interested in some blogs that talk about ecotourism in general or that provide very interesting information on sustainable tourism to be aware of the latest news in the subject.
EcoExperience was born at the hands of Fernando Carreras Plaza thanks to his passion for nature, although more specifically for the nature of Cuenca. The objective of EcoExperience is to publicize everything the province of Cuenca has to offer, with the help of its professional environmental educators. Sustainable development, ecotourism and environmental education are reflected in the articles of his blog.
Fernando Carreras, the lover of nature
Josep Capellà Hereu, Inma Ballbé and Ignasi Capellà are the team behind DCB Turismo y Desarrollo local, which offers support in aspects that are linked to sustainable tourism and local development. Within its website, in the section of news and publications, you can find curiosities, reflections and information that can be really useful if you are part or interested in the tourism sector and want to see it from a more sustainable point of view.
Wise advice from DCB
FairChanges is a platform that brings together environmentally responsible consumption proposals so that everyone can access them easily and without complications. Cristina Palacios is behind it. In his wonderful blog we will find articles that speak of all kinds of things: sustainable fashion, alternatives to minimize the footprint of your travels, recipes of dishes with seasonal foods, and many more varied topics that you will love.
The bicycle, an alternative that minimizes the CO2 footprint
One of the best blogs that treat sustainable tourism and that is always the order of the day is undoubtedly Travindy. Partners Anula Galewska (CEO and Co-Founder), Jeremy Smith (Editor and Co-Founder) and Xavier Font (Director of Impact) fully believe in the importance and necessity of the world to carry out sustainable tourism.
For this reason, information, essential news on the tourism sector, comments and opinions from all over the world, and information on events focused on sustainable tourism are summarized and easy to read. You can check the website in English, its calendar of events and even receive notifications on the specific category you want to know about so you do not miss anything.
Sustainable tourism is not an option, it is a necessity
Buscando el Azul (“Searching for blue”) is an ecotourism blog, diving trips and marine environment that is in charge of Manel González. The perspective is quite interesting for lovers of the marine world as it provides news and articles on the environment of our seas, curious facts that maybe we do not have much in mind (such as the case of the impact of the leads and lines) or which species are key in the control of algae populations.
Manel González in his favorite environment
Corporación Hijos de Rivera created the Mercado de la Cosecha (“Harvest Market”) social action project, which aims to help the socioeconomic development of rural areas. In the section of his blog #modorural you will find articles on the most rural and sustainable face of the Galician community. You can also enjoy tips, recipes and curiosities of the natural environment of Galicia. They will give you much desire to visit the left corner north of the country.
The magical castros of Galicia, place of legends
The director of Bio Eco Actual, Enric Urrutia, shares free monthly information for consumers, producers, distributors and retailers of organic production.
In particular, his blog focuses on various articles on news related to the current world from a more ecological, sustainable and healthy point of view. You will discover very interesting articles such as the use of sea water as irrigated water or your most recent article, La Palma more ecological.
Photograph of the Bio Eco Actual article – «Ecotourism: The greenest La Palma»
You have already made your trip sustainable and you are informed of all the news that may interest you about the news of this world. But if you want to take it a step further and try some easy measures to lead a sustainable life, we propose you to read these blogs to take the eco step in your day to day.
Ruth and Nahir are the sisters behind the fantastic Esturirafi blog. The purpose with which this blog was born is to promote ecological, sustainable and healthy life.
You will find in Esturirafi very varied and curious topics to help you make your life more sustainable and respectful with the environment, and not only that, but you will discover many things of your day to day that we may not have stopped to think. One of the most recent initiatives is the one proposed for this month of July without plastics, although it can be applied any month of the year!
Ruth and Nahir, inspiring more people every day to change their habits
The blog The Eco Cosmopolita saw the light thanks to Yvelisse Ramírez. Located in a city as cosmopolitan as Barcelona is, Yvelisse proposes to live more sustainably with small gestures that you can do day by day helping to make the environmental footprint that we leave as little as possible. In her blog she discusses on very diverse topics that can be interesting for all tastes, from reflections on life today to tips to celebrate your birthday in a sustainable way.
Yvelisse, founder of La Eco Cosmopolita
Javier Tejera, Dailo Barco and Alejandro Benítez founded Ecotumismo – Responsible Tourism and Sustainability, an association that makes available to the public a place in which to promote ecological thinking, motivating the creation of ideas to contribute to important values such as respect for the environment and the sustainability in all its forms; although always keeping in mind realistic goals that can be met. That’s why you can find specific articles on responsible tourism, ecology, permaculture and slow life.
Photograph of the Ecotumismo article – «A long way to go for a sustainable and productive agriculture in the Canary Islands»
You can be up to date without compromising the environment! And in soGOODsoCUTE you will find fashion, trends, beauty, aesthetics and sustainable design. Its creator Sònia shares articles that are both beautiful outside and inside, as they are designed with respect for the environment and based on their own experience.
Not only do their articles talk about sustainable fashion, but you will also find sections on natural cosmetics, slowfood, ecodesign, sustainable lifestyle tips and information on some news of interest in its slow resources section.
Sònia demonstrating that you can combine style and environment
Eating is a pleasure, and even more if the food you eat is healthy for your body. The passion for healthy living and vegetarian food made Ana Moreno open Flexivegetarianos (“Flexivegetarians”), where you will find vegetarian recipes and very inspiring articles that motivate and help lead a healthier diet. Her recipes are suitable for everyone, both for vegetarians and for those who want to try different dishes.
Ana Moreno, creator of Flexivegetarianos
Danza de Fogones was created by Alberto and Iosune with the idea of sharing recipes of vegan food, without ingredients of animal origin, that are simple to prepare and healthy for any time of the day.
In their articles they are always aware to solve doubts about the vegan lifestyle or about their own recipes at the beginning of their post or in the comments. Their delicious dishes are an alternative that can be introduced in our diet, whether or not they are vegan, since you will not notice the changes of some recipes of a lifetime. Variety is the spice of life!
Alberto and Iosune, the culinary artists
Ana proposes small «green» gestures and alternatives through the «do it yourself» movement on her Organicus blog. Her articles are mainly about advice and information on how to make your own products or tricks to live in a more sustainable way in your day to day life. It has very useful articles about medicinal plants, urban gardens or how to reuse the seeds of what we eat.
Give medicinal plants a chance
Ambienologists Marta Rosique and Raúl Piqueras gave life to the blog of Plantea en verde (“Pledge in green”); that seeks to bring sustainability to the city with products and ideas to grow your own food. You will find in their articles many tricks, tips and possible projects that you can carry out in your home.
Enjoy the ideas of Plantea en Verde and try to live in a more sustainable and healthy way with food.
Raúl and Marta pampering their plants
2nd Funniest Thing is the favorite blog of those who want to do everything with their own hands. DIY is very fashionable, and we understand why. In addition to fun, the final results will be very satisfactory, because they will be your own projects with which you decorate your house, view or teach your friends.
Techniques, ideas and workshops are the articles that Marta Barberà writes the most, accompanied by useful tutorials, and that recycling does not have to be unsightly. And that’s what 2nd Funniest Thing shows us.
Marta Barberà ready to teach us how to recycle with style
With all the information provided by these blogs, only the accommodation remains untouched: sleep outside in a sustainable way or go further and make your home an example of sustainability. Both options are great!
Thanks to Simone Riccardi, founder of Ecobnb, you can find sustainable accommodation, routes of low environmental impact and great adventures to discover incredible places always respecting the local communities. In his blog you will be amazed by his articles on ecological accommodation to discover the wonders of the forest or his ranking of the best ecological resorts in Spain. You can also read more thoughtful articles or tips to reduce your impact on the environment.
Wood and stone farm in the Stelvio Park
Have you ever dreamed of living in an ecological and self-sufficient house but you did not know how to start or it seemed too expensive? Well, this blog will become your new favorite blog. Thanks to Jade, who came up with the wonderful idea of creating Construir una casa ecológica (“Build an ecological house”), you can find out how to get the ecological home of your dreams. Jade teaches you the steps to follow from the beginning to carry out your project and, if you have any questions, you can always get in touch with her.
Jade enjoying an afternoon in nature
Fear of change is normal. Many times the lack of information creates internal conflicts that reject any alteration in our habitual way of doing things. But don’t be afraid anymore.
Read, learn and discover the range of possibilities you have to live your life in harmony with nature and your body. It may take time, but like any change that really matters, these don’t happen overnight. They need time, perseverance and effort.
Thank you so much for this.
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