Masks and gloves: the new virus of the oceans

Seeing is believing. After the thousands of deaths caused by the damn Coronavirus, it is now the remains of our “protectors” against COVID-19 that lie at the bottom of the sea. Something that does not surprise us and that comes from human unconsciousness, ignorance and stupidity, leaving a trail of garbage in the oceans and neglecting once again what should be sacred to us.
Given this, many voices have been raised, among them Arturo Islas Allende. Pay attention to what it shows us:
We have to know what output we are going to give to all those products that we are using to prevent nature, the life it houses (among which is the human being) and the tourism that is nourished by it, from being diminished by the human idiocy.
Let's not generate another collapse, let's avoid continuing to do more damage to the environment and let's be creative to reuse and recycle these gloves (useless these, by the way) and masks that we are going to be wearing for a long time.
Think and act consciously. 🙌
Featured image © Operation Mer Propre Sea