A species of shark older than dinosaurs discovered in Mexico

Antonio Mudarra
Antonio Mudarra

We return to the Gulf of Mexico, where once again its waters have surprised us with a unique find: a shark of the same age as the dinosaurs.

This animal, Hexanchus griseus, was captured by a group of researchers at more than 1,000 meters deep, where living conditions are not yet fully known, near Cape Eleuthera, in the Bahamas.

This shark, almost 5 meters and 600 kilos, was already alive when dinosaurs did not yet exist and has been on Earth 100 times longer than man, which means that it is the oldest shark that exists. It is, without a doubt, a true survivor of the Triassic extinction.

The Gulf of Mexico is a whole box of surprises to discover, for what it hides in its depths and for what it offers to visitors to destinations such as The Bahamas, Miami or the Yucatan Peninsula, with Belize, Tulum or Playa del Carmen as unique destinations.

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