
The 5 Musketeers of the Organization of the Mayan World: Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, El Salvador and Honduras

‘All for one, and one for all’ as Alejandro Dumas said in his novel The Three Musketeers. Alright, Dumas said 3, but this time are 5. The union make the…

Snowshoeing in Spain: 9 places where you can enjoy it

For many of us, the storms that are landing this winter in the country may not be the most pleasant visitors. Leaving home becomes an odyssey and reaching your destination…

The 10 Most Spectacular Castles in Spain

Spain is a country impregnated with natural, cultural and historical wealth. It has witnessed many wars, betrayal, love, conquest … Events that make our territory a unique place to visit…

Wildlife in Monfragüe: What birds we can see and from where

«In Monfragüe, black vultures» … This was already said by a Spanish rock group long before it was declared a National Park in 2007 and enthusiasts of ecotourism activities invaded…

Canyoning in green river: flora and fauna that you can see

Knowing nature does not always mean you must be carrying a magnifying glass in one hand and a field guide in the other. It does not mean that these matters…

The best whitewaters in Spain: where can I find them?

With the cold weather that does not seem to arrive and the longing for adventures still present after returning to work, there is nothing better than looking for the whitewater…

9 Hiking Routes in Spain to enjoy in Summer and Autumn

The summer is coming to an end, the autumn begins, the holidays are over and, nevertheless, it is hard for us to find the desire to stay at home. After…

Making the world a better place: 30 blogs that make a difference in sustainable tourism in 2017

Making the world a better place: 30 blogs that make a difference in sustainable tourism This year 2017 is the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and it seems…

17 coves in Spain where swimming is not the only important thing

In Spain there are as many types of coves as beaches are. We find two seas, the Mediterranean and the Bay of Biscay, and a large ocean, the Atlantic, which…