17 Spanish Forests Where Wolves Aren't The Bad Guy

Alber Moya
Alber Moya

This is not an ordinary route of just an ordinary animal. A wolf is much more than a dog in a wolfpack, who eats whenever possible and howls freely.

The 17 natural areas of Spain, where this animal can be found, are not enclosed areas where wolves have dinner at a scheduled time. You'll have to go there equipped with binoculars and patience.

One thing's for sure: it is definitely worth the wait. Not to mention, waiting to see the wolves at sunrise or sunset also offers the opportunity to observe the wildlife with the perfect lighting.

Iberian wolf © Andoni Canela

Up until the middle of the last past century, the presence of a wolf was very significant all around the Iberian Peninsula, however, the Little Red Riding Hood has damaged the reputation of this species. Prevention fed by fear explains the reason why humans kill these animals. This indiscriminate hunt almost exterminated them at one point in Spain.

Spain offers you the possibility of watching wolves from strategic locations. Here you can do interpretive routes of their habitat with expert guides in the 10 different regions where they are found.

In the South, there are just 20 or 30 specimens of wolves, between Andalusia and Castilla La Mancha. If it weren't for their trails, footprints or feces, we wouldn't have even known they existed.

This little group finds refuge in the most hidden places of Sierra Morena. Here is a list of them:

1. The Natural Park of Sierra de Andujar: Jaen's Inner Paradise

It's possible you might hear some howling in this Natural Park. If it's your lucky day, you may even see one of the wolves.

Experts have located this specimen at the North of this Natural Park, on the road leading up to Solana del Pino.

Another option to follow their footprints is to take the road on the Peñallana vineyards detour, leading to The Centenillo, an old miner village which was exploited by the British.

Whichever route you take, you must drive carefully, as there are crossing zones for the Iberian lynx, an endangered species that frequently crosses the road.

2. The Despeñaperros Natural Park: A Historical Gorge (Jaen)

Wolves find refuge in the many caves that accompany this unknown natural area.

Its 7,500 hectares are a pantry of food for its predators due to the amount of deers, fallow deers, wild boars and rabbits.

The Natural Park can be reached by the Burnt Village, Santa Elena and Miranda del Rey roads. Once you get there, just wait and wait. I recommend that you explore the Los Cave Dolls and visit the amazing The Cascade cimbarra.

Cimbarra Cascade during rainy season © Esteban Ureña

3. The Natural Park of Sierra de Cardeña and Montoro: A Natural Wildlife Refuge (Cordoba)

The movie Among Wolves was shot in these mountains. Based on the true story of a kid, Manuel Pantoja, who grew up in a wolfpack. He lived with them for 12 years until the police found him.

Whether you are a moviegoer or not, I recommend that you go follow the route where this movie was filmed, which crosses Cardeña, the village of El Cerezo and takes the loggers path to Obejo's bridge over the river of Yeguas.

This bridge marks the border between civilization and wolf territory.

Obejo's bridge over the Yeguas river

4. The Natural Park of Sierra de Hornachuelos, Sierra Morena Pasture (Cordoba)

More than five years ago, in 2008, wolves coming from the packs in Sierra Morena crossed the Yeguas river, the natural border between the regions of Jaen and Cordoba, up to Sierra de Cardeña. After going through a natural corridor between Cordoba city and Obejo, the wolves arrived to an area located between Villaviciosa and Espiel, where they attacked a flock of sheep.

© Esteban Urena

That is not an isolated situation. Wolves are capable of going long distances in just one day to find food.

There were those who claim that this group was established in Hornachuelos, which would ensure the survival of the species in the parks that formed the Dehesas Biosphere Reserve of Sierra Morena. However, since then their whereabouts have been unknown.

5. The Natural Park of Alcudia Valley and Sierra Madrona, Among Rockroses and Madrones (Ciudad Real)

Located on the Northern part of Sierra de Andujar, their forms a natural corridor with these mountains and the Natural Park of Despeñaperros. Since it is a very uninhabited area, it is a good place for the growth of wolves.

To get there you have to go through Sierra de Andujar, towards Virgen de la Cabeza Sanctuary. Once you arrive at Solana del Pino, take the road heading towards Fuencaliente.

© Esteban Urena

Solana del Pino is a referential point for wolves. Every year, The Emlobados conference is held there, where the best wolf experts meet.

The situation is quite different in the rest of the peninsula. The species after crossing the Duero river, have moved from the North to the Central area, where they await to move down south.

During this migration, they have settled in the following areas:

6. The National Park of Sierra de Guadarrama, Pure Landscape (Madrid-Segovia)

The wolves of the Central area of the Peninsula are much more social than those of the South.

Apart from in the mountains of Segovia and Madrid, some have been seen in Navacerrada and El Escorial. Some of them have even reached the residential areas of the Metropolitan area of Madrid.

© Esteban Urena

From this settlement, they move to the nearby areas of Guadalajara, where their presence has been confirmed in the Northern Sierra and Alto Tajo. Also, in further territories such as Cuenca and Teruel.

7. Regional Park of Sierra de Gredos: the Big Granitic Mass (Avila)

Wolves have been seen for the first time in this area in Navarredonda de Gredos and Navadiós, which is good news for the recovery of the species. This fact also informs us that the species is moving down South to join the survivors of Sierra Morena.

8. The Natural Area of Sierra de la Demanda: Ancient Disputes in the Land of Burgos

The wolf is present in the surroundings of many villages of the Burgos region, such as Espinosa de los Monteros, Canicosa de la Sierra and Palacios de la Sierra. Also, on La Rioja side, near the village of Villavelayo.

Another area of La Rioja where the wolves have arrived is in Najerilla valley, in villages such as Canales de la Sierra, Ventrosa, Brieva de Cameros and Viniegras de Arriba y Abajo, close to the Picos de Urbión mountains.

© Esteban Urena

9. The Natural Park of Somiedo: Among the Wolves and Bears (Asturias)

This natural park is probably the greatest ecological value of the whole Iberian Peninsula and is an example of sustainable development in all of Europe. Without a doubt, this explains why this area is a Biosphere Reserve and a true haven for the wolves, despite the fact that the area has to share territory with the biggest predator of the Iberian fauna, the brown bear

From the village of Salience, in the heart of Somiedo, a track takes you to the highest point of La Farrapona, where you can begin the most beautiful route in the whole park, the Route of the Lakes.

Lake Saliencia © Esteban Ureña

If you are patient enough, you should choose (as many naturalists do) the Prince's Viewpoint.

Without a doubt, the best wolf refuge inside the park is the Tibleus Forest, located on the northern side of Sierra de la Palomera, near the peak of Gurugu. It is a restricted beech forest where there are no paths to get in.

Legend tells, according to Carles Castell, that the name Somiedo comes from the scary shout of a peasant who, while crossing the forest in the middle of the night, stopped his horse at the edge of a cliff. He shouted “so” in distress, along with “miedo” (fear in Spanish).

For this reason, and because you need to request a special permit granted by the Natural Park to enter the forest, most naturalists observe the wolves from the other side of the valley. This area is called Michu slopes, near the village of La Falguera.

In general, the mountainous regions near the Cantabrian Mountains are areas where wolves can survive, due to their proximity to the Picos de Europa. The Sierra del Cuera shows a clear example of this.

10. The Natural Park of Cadi-Moixero, the Great Barrier Between Pre-pyrenees and the Pyrenees (Lerida)

Catalonia is different. The wolves inhabiting in that area do not come from the Iberian wolf, but from the Italian-French species, where genetic studies have confirmed this fact.

© Esteban Urena

The cataloging of wolves as a protected species in France, favored the passage of those who went through the Gallic country to reach the Catalan Pyrenees. Nowadays here, there are among 12 to 20 different ones scattered on Cadi Massif, and nearby areas such as Alto Urgell, Cerdaña, Alto Solsones, Alto Bergueda and Alto Ripolles.

11. The Natural Park of Gorbeia: The Basque Mountain with a Cross (Alava)

The Basque Country is just a transit area for the wolves. They constantly enter, but do not settle. They only settle in the area of Gorbeia Massif (Alava).

In the Natural Park of Valderejo (Alava) Southern Alava valleys, is also another privileged spot where in winter, wolves can be seen.

12. The natural space of Do Courel, the Lung of Galicia (Lugo)

The presence of wolves is all over the province of Lugo. They have even reached areas that are close to the coast. They have been seen in places like A Pastoriza, Xove, Muras and Friol. However, the place with the highest density of wolves is in the Sierra do Courel.

Wolf Ecotourism It is well known in that area. Tourist can perform coexisting activities with wolves, with due respect always. The most important thing is not to disturb the breeding groups, in order to prevent them from leaving the territory.

If you want to see some wolves, you should go along the Devesa de Rogueira. You must leave from Seoane heading towards Esperante. From there, you must cross over the river of Lor and exit the camp on your right side. From that point begins an uphill path of almost 4 kilometers, until you find a detour on your right side, taking you to Alto do Couto and Visuña.

Fog in Sierra do Courel

After 4.6 kilometers you will be arriving at the base of Mount Piapaxaro, 1,611 m. Taking the path up to the summit, you will enjoy the best panoramic views over Sierra do Courel.

13. The Natural Park O Invernadeiro: Into the Wild (Orense)

Experts confirmed that these specimen of wolves are the only ones maintaining the ancestral customs of this species. They are known as the wildest in the whole Peninsula. That is because their diet is based solely on hunting wild animals.

Studying this behavior is a key factor to the preservation of the species.

14. The Natural Park of Saja-Besaya, Pure Fauna and Flora (Cantabria)

This park made up of thick beech and oak forests, along with wide prairies, makes this the perfect habitat for wolves. They also share that space with bears, just like in Somiedo.

During the 70's, wolves were extinct here, but now they are completely recovered and cover the whole park. To protect them, their movements are not disclosed to the public, so it's not possible to list them in a census.

We have seen that incidents where wolves attack cattle have multiplied in recent years. Packs coming from the Liebana region or from the mountains of Palencia have easy access to this park. The most frequented area is the Cabuerniga valley and the nearby areas of Los Tojos.

You can reach these areas from CA 280 road, leaving from Cabezon de la Sal up to Palombera pass (1,260 m). Alto de Ozcaba is nearby, where you will find the beginning of two descending routes:

The easiest one takes you to Barcena the Mayor. It goes along an ancient Roman road, although in some areas it's not visible.

The beginning of the longest route is located at the other end of Ozaba, which takes you down to Los Gorse or Saja.

Both routes end at the valley, a privileged area to wait for any wolf to appear in the nearby slopes.

15. The Natural Park of Fuentes Carrionas and Fuente Cobre-Montaña Palentina: Palencia's Peaks

In the mountains in the region of Palencia, between Cervera de Pisuerga and Barruelo de Santullan (Bra strap), watching wolf is quite easy. It's especially easy during harsh winters, when they go down to the villages looking for food.

However, the biggest populations are in:

16. Picos de Europa National Park: the First Protected Area in Spain (Part of Leon)

The population of wolves in this National Park, along with the Zamora's Sierra de la Culebra, represents 60% of the wolf population in the Iberian Peninsula.

The highest concentration of family groups are located in the Riaño Mountains (Leon), but it's not the only area of wolves in the Picos de Europa.

Wolf and his cub in Riaño © Andoni Canela

In the Cosgaya mountains and the Liebana valley, Camaleño, Cillorigo and Bejes, and Cantabria there are also wolf specimen.

So, choose a higher location in any of the mountains (Corsicao, Altos de Valdeon) and wait until the pack appears in the valley.

17. The Natural Area of Sierra de La Culebra, the Symbol of the Iberian Wolf (Zamora)

With its 65,891 hectares, this area of the country (and of all of Europe) has the highest concentration of wolves.

This is a pilgrimage place for lovers of this animal. In any of those villages, you will hear conversations about wolves.

The most visited watching point is located between the villages of Villardeciervos and Buoy, which can be accessed from the ZA-912 road. You will easily recognize it because there is a parking area. From that point, you will have an excellent view of the plains.

Although the most visited areas for wolf watching are Sanabria and Carballeda, the wolves are spread out all over the mountain range. Wolves can also be seen in the regions of Tabara, Alba and Aliste, and even in the Natural Park of Montesinhos in Portugal.

You may think that the wolf is back, but the truth is that it never left.

If you see a wolf, at least once, you can be proud of it. One time is enough. Now it's your turn to choose which one of these Natural Areas you want to visit and tell us about any wolves you meet.


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  216. Alliant Powder – Herco 1 LB (Copy)
    Hodgdon Varget Smokeless Rifle Powder (1 lb or 8 lbs)
    H322 Powder HODGDON
    12 Ga. 2-3/4″ Steel Shot Wads (100 Wads)
    Steel Shot #7 (bag/10#)
    IMR 4831 Smokeless Powder
    Winchester 231 Smokeless Gun Powder 8lb
    Hodgdon H50BMG Rifle Powder
    760 8lbs – Winchester Powder
    Winchester Powder – 296 8Lb.
    Winchester Powder – 296 4 Lb.

    Winchester Powder AutoComp 8lb
    Hodgdon Powder – H-4350 8lb
    Hodgdon Powder – H1000 8lb
    Hodgdon Powder – H-4350 1Lb.
    Hodgdon Powder – BLC-2 8lb
    Hodgdon Powder – 800-X 8lb
    Hodgdon Pyrodex RS Black Powder Substitute 1 lb
    Hodgdon Powder Int.Clays 14oz
    H4831SC 8lbs – Hodgdon Powder
    H4831 1lb – Hodgdon Powder
    H380 8lbs – Hodgdon Powder
    CFE-223 8lbs – Hodgdon Powder
    Hodgdon #800X 8 Lb. Keg
    800-X 8 lb – Hodgdon Powder

    Red Dot 8 lbs – Alliant Powder
    700-X 4lb. – Hodgdon Powder
    Re-16 8lbs – Alliant Powder
    Herco 8lbs � Alliant Powder
    Green Dot 8lbs – Alliant Powder
    Bullseye 8lbs – Alliant Powder
    BE-86 8 lbs – Alliant Powder
    Alliant Powder – Unique 8lbs
    Alliant Powder – Steel 1lb.
    Alliant Powder – Sport Pistol 1#
    Alliant Powder – Re-33 1lb.
    Alliant Reloder 22 Smokeless Gun Powder
    Alliant Reloder 16 Smokeless Gun Powder
    Alliant Green Dot Smokeless Gun Powder

    Alliant Powder Reloder 33 8lb.
    Alliant Powder – Promo 8lbs
    Mossberg Maverick 88 Field Shotgun 12 Gauge 3″ Chamber 28″ 5-Round
    Panzer Arms BP12 Semi-Automatic Shotgun 12 GA 20″ Barrel 3″-Chamber 5-Rounds
    Remington 870 TAC-14 Black 20GA 14-in 4rd Pistol Grip
    Remington 870 Tac-14 12-Gauge 14″ Barrel 5 RDs Blued/Hardwood
    Remington Model 870 Tac-14 Black 12 Gauge 14 inch Barrel 5 Rounds with Magpend and Arm ul M-Lok fore-Brace
    Remington 870 Express Black 12 GA 3-inch Chamber 18-inch 6Rd
    Mossberg 590 Shockwave Blued 20 GA 14-inch Barrel 6 Rounds
    Remington 870 TAC-14 12-Gauge 14.5″ Barrel 4 RDs
    Dickinson Defense Black 12GA 18.5-inch 5rd
    Mossberg Maverick 88 12GA 20-inch 8Rd
    G-Force GFP3 12 GA 20″ Barrel 3″-Chamber 4-Rounds
    Silver Eagle RZ17 Tactical Shotgun 12 GA 18.5-inch 4Rds
    Savage Stevens 320 12/18.5/3 inch 5rd PG Ghost
    Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion Pump Shotgun Flat Dark Earth 12 Ga 18.5 inch 6 rd
    Standard Manufacturing Company DP-12 12GA 18.875in 14rd
    Kel-Tec KS7 Tactical Pump Shotgun 12 GA 18.5-inch 6Rds
    Winchester SX4 UPLAND FLD 12/26 BL/WD 3

    Kel-Tec KSG 12 GA 18.5″ Barrel 14-Rounds Optics Ready
    Mossberg 590 Shockwave 12-Gauge 14″ Barrel 6 RDs with Bead Sight Blue
    Pointer SCT Basic Trap Walnut 12 GA 30″ Barrel 3″-Chamber 1-Rounds
    Glock 19 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch Barrel 15-Rounds
    Glock 43X 9mm 3.41″ Barrel 10-Rounds Fixed Glock Sights
    Smith & Wesson 642 Airweight Centennial .38 Special 1.9″ Barrel 5 RDs Stainless Steel
    Heritage Firearms Rough Rider Blued / Cocobolo Grip .22LR 6.5-inch 6Rd
    Q Mini Fix Pistol Gray .300 AAC Blackout 8″ Barrel 10-Rounds Optics Ready
    Cobra Firearms Derringer .22 Mag Black Wood Grips
    Bond Arms Snake Slayer with TG 45/410 3.5-inch
    North American Arms Ported Snub 22/22M 1.125-inch 5rd
    Bond Arms Rustic Defender Stainless .45 LC 3″ Barrel 2-Rounds Holster Package
    Glock 43 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 3.39″ Barrel 6-Rounds
    Ruger American Compact 9MM Black 3.55-inch 17rd with safety
    Sig Sauer P226 Full Size Single/Double Black 9mm 4.4-inch 15Rds
    Beretta A400 Xcel Multitarget Walnut/ Black 12 GA 30-Inch 4Rd
    Federal Premium Gold Medal Small Pistol Match Primers #100M
    Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Rifle Match Primers #210M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100)
    CCI Percussion Caps #10 Box of 1000 (10 Cans of 100)
    Hevishot 28004 Hevi-Hammer 12 Gauge 3″ 1 1/4 oz 4 Shot 25 Rounds
    Glock 19X Gen 5 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 4.02″ Barrel 19-Rounds Streamlight TLR7A

    Smith & Wesson M&P Shield M 2.0 Black 9mm 3.1″ Barrel 8 Round MA Compliant
    Sig Sauer MPX Copperhead Coyote Tan 9mm 3.5-inch 20Rds
    Ruger EC9s 9mm 3.12″ Barrel 7-Rounds Hogue HandALL Grip
    Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 9mm 5″ Barrel 17 RDs Flat Dark Earth without Safety
    Alliant Powder – Ex.-Lite 1 Lb
    Ruger AR-556 Flat Dark Earth .223 / 5.56 NATO 16-inch 30rd Magpul M-LOK
    Ruger AR-556 Magpul MOE Black AR-15 .223 / 5.56 NATO 16.1-inch 30RdR
    Hornady Custom ammunition 405 Winchester 20rd Ammo
    Sig Sauer P210 Carry Pistol 9mm 8 RD Night Sights
    Glock 19 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch Barrel 10-Rounds Fixed Sights
    Glock 30 Gen 4 Black .45ACP 3.78-inch 10 Rds
    Glock 45 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch 10Rds
    Glock 19 Gen5 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 4.02″ Barrel 15-Rounds
    Sig Sauer P226 Full Size Legion RX Gray 9mm 4.4″ 15-Round Night Sights

    Sig Sauer P938 9mm 3-inch 7rds Black Siglite Night Sights Massachusetts Compliant
    Colt Anaconda Revolver 44 Rem Magnum Stainless Steel
    Ruger LCP II .22 LR Pistol
    Rugar Wrangler OD 22LR Barrel 6-rounds
    Sig Sauer P322 22LR 4″ 20Rd, Black
    Colt 1911 Government Pistol 5″ Barrel Black Picatinny Rail Checkered Gray G10 Grip Novak Sights
    Springfield Armory Mil-Spec Defender 1911 Semi-Automatic Pistol 45 ACP 5″ Barrel 7-Round Parkerized Wood
    Girsan MC P35 Hi-Power Semi-Automatic Pistol
    Q Honey Badger SD 7″ 300 BLK SBR w/ Silencer
    FN FNX-45 Tactical Pistol 45 ACP 5.3″ Barrel Night Sights Polymer
    Walther CCP M2 9mm Concealed Carry Pistol
    FN 502 Tactical 22LR Pistol With Threaded Barrel – (1) 15 Round and (1) 10 Round Mag
    Girsan MC P35 Hi-Power Semi-Automatic Pistol
    FN 509 Tactical 9mm
    Sig Sauer P322 Magazine 22LR 20rounds/25rounds
    Sig Sauer P365XL Spectre Comp Semi-Automatic Pistol
    Sig Sauer P320 Spectre Comp Semi-Automatic Pistol
    Kel-tec P17
    FN 502 Magazine 22LR -15 Round and 10 Round
    Sig Sauer P365 Magazine 9mm 12-Rounds
    FN FNX-45 Tactical Pistol 45 ACP 5.3″ Barrel Night Sights Polymer
    Sig Sauer P320 X-Five Legion Pistol 9mm Luger 5″ Barrel 17-Round Polymer Gray
    Charles Daly AR 410 Complete Upper .410 GA 19″ Barrel 5-Rounds
    Sig Sauer P320 AXG Equinox Semi-Automatic Pistol
    Sig Sauer P226 MK25 MA Compliant Semi-Automatic Pistol 9mm Luger 4.4″ Barrel 10-Round Nitron Black
    Sig Sauer P320 Compact Semi-Automatic Pistol
    IMR Enduron 4451 Smokeless Gun Powder
    Titanium Gold Desert Eagle Pistol 50 AE
    9mm 9×19 Ammo 115gr FMJ CCI Blazer Brass (5200) 1000 Round Case
    9mm 9×19 Ammo 124gr FMJ Federal American Eagle (AE9AP) 1000 Round Case
    Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Progressive Press Ammo Plant
    Anderson Manufacturing AR-15 Complete Lower Receiver
    BCM AR-15 Complete Pistol Lower Receiver Forged
    Alliant Powder – Bullseye 4lbs
    9mm 9×19 Ammo 115gr FMJ Remington Military LE Training (B9MM3) 500 Round Case
    CCI Blazer 9mm 115GR FMJ 50Rds Aluminum case
    Winchester Ammunition 115 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Brass 9mm 50Rds
    Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics FMJ 124 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds
    Remington UMC 9mm 147GR FMJ 50rds
    Winchester USA Ammunition 40 S&W 165 Grain Full Metal Jacket Flat Nose 50rds
    Federal Champion Ammunition 40 S&W 180 Grain Full Metal Jacket Aluminum Case
    Federal Champion Ammunition 40 S&W 180 Grain Full Metal Jacket Aluminum Case
    Taurus TX22 Compact
    Hi-Point JXP 10 Pistol
    Kel-Tec KSG 12 GA 18.5″ Barrel 14-Rounds Optics Ready
    Ohio Ordnance Works H.C.A.R. Flat Dark Earth .30-06 16″ Barrel 30-Rounds
    Sig Sauer P238 Semi-Automatic Pistol 380 ACP 2.7″ Barrel 7-Round Cerakote Black
    Canik TP9 Elite Combat Semi-Automatic Pistol
    Diamondback Sidekick Combo Revolver 22 Long Rifle 4.5″ Barrel 9-Round Black
    Sig Sauer P229 M11A1 Semi-Automatic Pistol
    CMMG DISSENT Mk57 20th Anniversary Semi-Automatic Pistol 5.7x28mm FN 6.5″ Barrel 20-Round Northern Lights Black
    CMMG Resolute 100 Mk4 .22 Long Rifle AR-15 Upper Receiver 17″
    Ruger AR-556 Lower Receiver Black .223 / 5.56 NATO
    Sig Sauer P320 Spectre Comp Semi-Automatic Pistol
    Smith and Wesson M&P9 Shield EZ Flat Dark Earth / Black 9mm 3.6″ Barrel 8-Rounds
    HEXMAG Series 2 Magazine Black .223 / 5.56 NATO 30Rd
    American Tactical Imports S60 Gen2 MLE Schmeisser Magazine 5.56 / .223 Rem 60-Rounds
    Hornady Match Ammunition 6.5 PRC 147 Grain ELD Match Box of 20
    Winchester Wildcat Rimfire Ammo
    BUL ARMORY SAS II TAC 4.25″ magazine
    Bul Armory SAS II Ultralight3.25

    2400 4lbs – Alliant Powder
    2460 1lb – Accurate Powder
    2495 1lb – Accurate Powder
    2520 1lb – Accurate Powder
    2700 1lb – Accurate Powder
    4000-MR 1lb – Alliant Powder

    Accurate Powder LT-32
    vAccurate Powder – TCM 1lb
    Accurate Powder – #4100 1LB
    800-X 8 lb – Hodgdon Powder
    760 8lbs – Winchester Powder
    700-X 4lb. – Hodgdon Powder
    4350 1lb – Accurate Powder
    vAccurate Powder Nitro 100 12oz

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